Frequently Asked Questions

What is Just One Night?

Just One Night is a fundraiser started by Sister Dottie Bair, of the San Antonio Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Because he was once a homeless teenager himself, he has a driving passion to work for causes that help kids like he himself used to be. He knows very well the difference the right people at the right time can make in completely altering the trajectory of a life and is committed to helping these agencies do the work that can change lives.

Who can take part?

Anyone can register and fund raise. San Antonio resident or not. Anyone who wants to support this fundraiser and the work that Thrive and Stand Up For Kids does on behalf of homeless teen populations can sign up and raise money for them.

What is required?

A willingness to bug family, friends, and co-workers about donating to your fundraising efforts, a desire to see life changing action in the lives of homeless kids, and a sleeping bag to camp out in when the event takes place in the park on May 16th, 2020.

What can I bring?

Not much is required. Just yourself and a sleeping bag. Maybe a small flashlight. You’ll also want to make sure you dress for the weather. But other than that, not much else. We’ll be roping off an area of Maverick Park where the sleepers will be set up with officers and volunteers watching over them for the night. If you can’t stay for the overnight portion, please consider taking part in the chili or baked goods cooking contest from 6-8pm. People buying tickets to judge will be another fundraising source for the event, so you’d be helping us that way as well!

Sleeping in a city park? Really?

Really. Let me be clear: sleeping in a park for one night is not meant to be an example of what life is like for a homeless teenager. It’s not. What it is meant to be is a symbolic act, with low physical requirements, that lets the most people possible raise funds and become advocates for these programs that do such critical work with these kids. While you are sleeping in the park, volunteers and officers will be watching over you. Safety is a top priority for us and it is something that those kids we’re working to help do not always have.

Do I have to sleep in the park?

Nope. You can sign up, fund raise, and then just skip the park event. We’ll be 100% grateful for your work on behalf of the causes, either way. Or you can sign up, fund raise, and come take part of the cooking contests. Or you can just come take part of the cooking contests. You can be as involved as you want to be!

Who are “The Sisters”?

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are an order of 21st Century queer nuns. Their mission is to work on behalf of their community, to spread joy, and to remove stigmatic guilt. Each Sister is unique, but they all share a driving passion to make their community a better, more welcoming, and safer space for all. You can read more about us in an interview done in June of 2019 for the SA Current.